Blogs — shop

Saving Stuff

Posted by Casper Alixander on

Saving Stuff
Literally whatever reason you have for needing to keep some stuff behind, we do this. When we've had to order stuff in we'll remind you of the process but basically, we hold what you're after for two weeks as standard. We put it in the box with your name on it and the date and it's untouchable until two weeks have passed. 

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Eleanor, A Fat White Woman.

Posted by Eleanor Burke on

Eleanor, A Fat White Woman.

Well hello there! It is I! Who owns the shop, used to talk to you a lot and then disappeared because Casper is capable. I am back! I am on ADHD drugs! First day! Feeling competent! Let's see how long it lasts! I've had this concept floating around in my head for some time - more as a gnawing thought than anything productive, but today, probably as a result of the drugs it occurred to me to write a bloody blog! Firstly, I need you to know, if you're one of the people I'm talking about here, I know that you...

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Party Time!

Posted by Eleanor Burke on

Party Time!
It is difficult to describe the kind of laughter that happens at a shop party. It shouldn't be like this really, it's a bloody wool shop, but putting a lot of yarn hungry odd-bods in a room together with a little bit of wine and some snacks and it is just magic. 

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