I'm Gonna Start A Riot DK..!

I'm Gonna Start A Riot DK..!

I am thrilled. I am buzzing. I'm thrilled. I get to write about the Riot DK. From the moment I stepped in the shop for my interview, it caught my eye and I absolutely knew that it would be my downfall. It's the most gorgeous single spun yarn, with the most incredible colours... I can't wait to tell you all about it. 

So, this is the King Cole Riot DK. Single spun, crazy colours, some even crazier patterns (just you wait)... 30% wool, 70% acrylic, and £4.50 for a 100g ball that goes for a few metres under 300. There are very few people who come into this shop and don't notice this yarn, mainly because of the shades. My personal favourites are the Magic or the Caribbean, the super rainbow-y ones, though the Neon (which is the featured image for the blog) is absolutely crazily beautiful with some shocking hits of neon yellow and green in amongst the rest of the rainbow. Honourable mention to Berries, which is a beautiful journey through pinks, purples, whites and greys.

This yarn is suitable for anything you can think of. Babies will love it (as long as they're okay with wool), garments look brilliant in it, some bright accessories would instantly style up any outfit, and if you're really brave try amigurumi-ing a cute little rainbow... fish? Monkey? Here's a top I made in Caribbean, and I think it shows the colour variegation perfectly.

This is moving quite well into the pattern section of my usual yarn showcases, so I'll just let you know that the crochet pattern of that top is 4763. If you have trouble with the yoke, let us know - both me and Eleanor had hiccups at the same point so we're very aware of how to get through it!

There's actually quite a nice homewares pattern for the Riot DK but also the Riot Chunky (which I'll be talking about soon).  4413 is beautiful; look at those mitred squares and the way they pull down to those buttons... oh my god, they're gorgeous! I'm a big fan of the cardigan in 4681 too - it's just simple ribbing and shaping, really, but because it's so simple it shows off the Riot so well.

I cannot talk about Riot DK without talking about the funniest pattern in the shop. Feast your eyes on the back of pattern 4679. I mean, the pattern itself is quite basic and will work with a lot, especially that cape. It's just... what they've done to it here, really. Look at that styling. That colour choice. That hat. That model is regretting all of their life choices up to that point. You can see it in their eyes...

Dear lord.

If you can make this and pull it off, please come in and show me. I need to see this. You will be an absolute deity in my eyes.

Anyway. I can't really list all of the patterns that the Riot would look good in because it will literally look good in everything. Cables, lace, stockinette, a good ol' squishy garter stitch... if you're into great colours and a super soft feel, this yarn is for you. It is the best yarn. The greatest yarn. I will talk about it for years if you'll let me. But, for now, I will leave you with this blog post and a collection for the yarn and patterns, and bid you adieu. 

Until next time, guyz.

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