The Party

The Party

Last Saturday was my last party (Hannah has promised me she'll carry on the tradition) and it was really a return to form after Covid when the parties were either non-existent for obvious reasons, or a bit subdued for various reasons - I'm not saying I haven't enjoyed them but I was longing for a bit of cackling, drunk goodness and we got it! I loved it! It was a record days takings, a record days giveaways and a record days bottles to clear up. I am also super lucky that I have customers that took it upon themselves to be the photographers because I never manage.... So I'll let some photos do the talking. 

I suggested that some of you bring camping chairs - there never seems to be enough of our chairs on the day so it's just a thought. Emma duly brought some but as she's tiny she thought these were a reasonable size... They were not. I did just about manage to get back up though. See here laughing here: 


The day started a bit stressfully - some faff the week before meant that the hand dyed that I'd done for the day wasn't totally dry and what was dry was not labelled or named so me Hannah and Saharan were hair drying and sorting and cleaning right up until the minute we opened (and a bit after to be honest!). I was so pleased with how we worked as a team though, it felt really flowy and lovely and three of us meant that there was time for us all to take a few minutes when we needed to. 

And goodness we needed to because at times it was hectic!

Old skool party vibes! I didn't let them start drinking until 2pm because again, old skool party vibes haha. We've had some right drunken parties over the years. 

When the shop closed and Saharan got to relax, they made a beeline for Casper who has been having a great day although you couldn't tell from the photos people took of him... 

It was so good to see those two chatting and getting to know each other. I have been truly blessed with the people that have worked for me over the years, each one has brought something particular to the space that has added to the whole. We took a photo of all of the staff that were still left towards the end of the day: 

That's from left to right: Emma, Zoë, Saharan, ME!, June, Casper, Vicky and Elizabeth (Tori doesn't and hasn't worked here but she was having a great time!). 

The final picture I'm sharing is this one - I'm kind of sad that I haven't taken a photo like this on every single party but I'm glad I got one for the last one. Not every customer is here that means something to me or has done throughout the years, but it does represent something doesn't it? The smiles, the diversity, the hiddle-de-piggle-de-ness, the coming together of so many different people to make a gorgeous whole. I love it and I'm proud. 

That's it. This is the end of the day on my last day of being the owner whilst the shop is open. Tomorrow, Friday the 31st, we are closed for admin and then on the Saturday we're back open with Hannah as the owner. I've got a soppy thing to share with you tomorrow and then.... I'm gone. 

Don't forget to follow me here and here

Love Eleanor. 

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1 comment

So glad I took a ton of photos! I hope to contribute photos to the next shop party 🎉


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