This is Goodbye
Hej Då
(That means goodbye in Swedish).
I am so excited to be able to tell you this because so many of you have been asking me and I keep saying 'I'll let you know when I have news I'm able to share' and, here I am, I have news I'm able to share and I'm letting you know!
The shop has sold!
To a wonderful woman (and her husband but he'll be behind the scenes for a bit) who is a knitter and a crocheter, a tech editor, experienced in small, indie, bricks and mortar business and an all round good egg. I know you're going to love her but I'm going to let her introduce herself to you, I just want to talk about my bit and a bit about how I *think* the handover will go.
We waited until we had a photo together before sending this email. They've been in today to see the landlord so it seemed perfect. That's Dan on the left, Hannah in the middle and me on the right in case you hadn't worked it out.
So. I won't go over what was said in the previous email/blog - you can find that by clicking here.
More or less straight away Hannah got in contact with me to say that she was the perfect person for the shop. There were plenty of other people who were interested and asked lots of questions, I had lots of meetings with people and phone calls and email exchanges but from the get go I could feel that Hannah was different and so it got serious pretty much straight away. I signed a non-disclosure agreement with her early on and at that point I was quite serious about protecting what was going on because I didn't want to jinx it or to say the wrong thing and jeopardise it. It's been a bit like buying a house and waiting for a mortgage - lots of hanging around while people behind the scenes make decisions and then desperate scrambling for information followed by weeks of waiting around again. I've done my best to do everything right because I can't tell you how much I love this shop and it is so important to me that it goes to the right person and that everything is done correctly so that this handover succeeds.
Over the next few weeks Hannah will be in the shop learning the ropes so you can meet her, at first she'll be following my rules and then slowly we'll transition to her being in charge but her plan is not to change too much at first. She's got loads of great ideas but it's not easy running a business anyway and we know it will take time for everybody to get used to the new setup so for now it will stay much the same. I really hope you will support her and her vision like you've supported me over the years.
There's a party on the 25th of May - a Saturday - 10.30am to 5pm. And it's really my goodbye. The actual legal handover is happening on the 31st, so the 1st of June is Hannah's first full day as the boss but I'll be there to support her in person and over the phone. So if there's anything that you need to know or anything that only I know, then you're not on your own, don't worry. Although at some point you'll all make your own connections with Hannah and she'll be the one that knows what you all need and want. Also, I'm off, I've got stuff to do.
If you want to keep up with what I'm doing, the current best way is on the Instagram account The.Money.Woman. I set this up when I was first thinking about setting up as a financial advisor and for one reason or another it didn't happen but I left it dormant and I'll use it again when I set up as an advisor or coach - whichever I end up being. In the meantime, I'm going to use it as a bit of an exploration of moving to Sweden, I don't know how prolific I'll be, I don't know how much I'll want to share but I have made such deep connections with so many of you and I don't take them for granted. I'd love to carry that on and I also know that many of you are interested in personal finance with a cheeky, subversive edge so there's where you'll find it when it's ready to be born. There'll still be craft - knitting and crochet - but also sewing, beading and embroidery as these are all still my passions. And there'll be politics - world stuff as well as body stuff of course. I've got the website too but I haven't done a single thing with that... I'm taking six months out to do nothing but settle into life over there so you're unlikely to see anything on the website for some time.
I think that's all I have to say for now. I am expecting to write something soppy at some point but every time I try to I just don't know how to sum up 14 years of a deeply wholesome, healing, important, magical journey. I am deep in gratitude for the things I've learned over the years and how you have all embraced me and held me in ways I didn't think existed. I am so proud and grateful to have had the opportunity to create our community with you and I thank you for offering your support in the many ways you have. I hope you do the same for Hannah. It's just a bloody wool shop isn't it, but somehow it's more than that.
I love you.
Eleanor. xxx
I’m delighted you’ve found a kindred spirit to sell the shop to. Looking forward to following the new adventures of this wonderful shop!
Wow, Eleanor!!! I remember when you started this wee shop! Enjoy the new phase of your life! So happy for you!
Lovie, I am so proud of what you’ve accomplished. And I’m thrilled that you’ve been able to find a successor and plan this hand off so well.
I guess I’m going to have to get to Sweden one of these days now, right? Or maybe we can meet in Wales.
Much love,
Amy (formerly Singer)