Workshops, Workshops Everywhere!!
Workshops are back, baby!
Something we all missed the most over lockdowns was holding workshops for knitting, crocheting and yarn dyeing. We love holding them and we know you love coming to them, too! It took us a while to get to a place where we could hold them again, and for a while it was just one-to-one lessons, but then Eleanor held the first yarn-dyeing workshop in a long time and it went an absolute treat, even with the restrictions in place.
Now things are a bit more open, we've got some absolutely lush workshops lined up for the next few months, with plenty more to come. We're not letting go of them again unless you're prying them out of our cold dead hands!
First up we've got a couple of Learn to Crochet workshops. These have been highly requested. The one on the 23rd April sold out super quick, but there are still spaces on the 14th of May! Two and a half hours of everything you need to know for a strong foundation in crocheting, and a hook and yarn will be provided on the day.
Next, there's the Learn to Knit workshop on Saturday the 4th of June, again with yarn and needles provided on the day, and you'll leave with a strong foundation in knitting techniques here. We've got a few spaces left on this one too so if you're interested, best to book now as they do fill up pretty quick!
We've got an exciting Mosaic Crochet workshop on the 30th April, which is more suited to adventurous crocheters or intermediate-level crocheters. You'll learn how to do this gorgeous technique that looks far more complicated than it actually is!
Then, there's a Brioche knitting workshop on the 7th of May - it's not edible, but it creates a gorgeous smooshy fabric with two colours and will bring a lot of confidence to your intermediate knitting.
My personal favourite workshop is always going to be the Yarn Dyeing workshop - and it's so popular with everyone else that we keep having to add extra dates because of how quick they sell out! Basically, play about with colours and make pretty yarn. What could be better? Saturday the 16th of July has a couple spaces, so don't miss out on this. You get some 20g skeins of sock yarn and one 100g skein to have a play about with, learning how to blend and splatter the colours however you desire. (I went absolutely crazy with this workshop and my yarn still came out gorgeous, so don't worry if you've got a bit of an impulsive streak like I do!) You'll definitely need to wear messy clothes on this date, though.
They're all taught by Eleanor, super-knitting-and-crocheting-and-everything-else-lady and Yarn Shop Boss. She's lovely!
All of our workshops come with snacks and tea/coffee - let us know if you've got any dietary requirements! The workshops are very relaxed, and there may be swearing. The workshop will be held in the downstairs of our city centre shop, there are 14 steps to get down and then back up again. There is a sturdy handrail but it is not wheelchair accessible. The main shop is accessible though so if you need this access we are more than happy to run the workshop at a time that suits you when the shop is shut so we can be upstairs - please just give us a call and we'll get that booked in (0115 9474239).
Not to fret if you can't make any of these days - we are always ready to hold more of them as they're part of what makes the little community we've built up here so good.
We really hope to see you at some of these workshops soon - trust me, we're probably even more excited than you are!!
Have a great day everyone!